the toilets DO fluch the other way!

>> Wednesday, July 16, 2008

ok, i just realized that my previous posts probably weren't very coherent. i blame the lack of sleep and the cold weather... or my ADD is just kicking in every time i try to write. but either way, i did have a point that i was trying to make in those posts that would have related to the title had i got to my point... but hopefully noone else is reading except sean :) j/k (oh and i'm a horrible speller, i rely on the auto correction)


i had quite some time to think last night on our long train ride back to St. Ursula's from the irish pub where we attended Theology on tap and heard Arch Bishop Chaput.
Well, i decided that from now on i'm not going to talk to much about the events, because i can just show you pictures of that, but i'd rather share my experience. it's one of those things that you can't always describe but i figure maybe then i'll stay focused on what i'm really trying to convey. it might not be step by step.

AHHH! and our internet access is so limited!

anyways, what i was trying to get at earlier is that its all too easy to make something, anything a habit (for me anyway). i always thought myself to be a fast learner and maybe getting the hang of things so quickly can be a disadvantage at times. like when you hear a song that plays enough times, you strat to memorize the lyrics involuntarily, even if you hate the annoying song!
or maybe it's not habit that i'm talking about, maybe it's comfortability.
gtg tbc


Sean July 17, 2008 at 2:11 AM  

Ummmm...I didn't quite get your last paragraph...maybe I had to be there.
