Ite Missa Est: Go! You are sent!

>> Friday, July 11, 2008

It was good to see many of you at the blessing and send off of our small delegation from St. Catherine's who have hopefully already arrived in the Land Down Under. But, before they left, these three pilgrims were entrusted with 6 items to take with them on their journey. In case you missed it, this is what Fr. Bert said at the send off ceremony.

Brothers and sister,

Before you set out on your pilgrimage,
keep in mind that you three were chosen by God
to make this journey.
At your baptism,
you were anointed to be builders of the Kingdom of God
in the family of the Church.
At your Confirmation,
you were anointed to proclaim the Good News
with your words and with your lives.
Now, having been nourished in this Mass by the Word of God,
and by the Flesh and Blood of Jesus,
St. Catherine of Siena Parish sends you forth
to meet your brothers and sisters
and Pope Benedict XVI in Australia,
the South Land of the Holy Spirit.

You have been called, and now you are sent.
As you proceed forth in the footsteps of Christ and His saints,
take with you these articles which this parish community entrusts to you now.

I. Take with you this book of prayers. With you go the needs and intentions of this community. Pray for us as we pray for you.

II. Take with you this candle. As you light it at the vigil before the closing Mass, may the fire of faith be enkindled in your hearts. May you return and set the world ablaze with the love of Christ.

III. Take with you this bible. May you be heralds of the Gospel, and always bear witness to the Truth with boldness and charity. Listen well to the catechesis talks and especially to the words of the Holy Father. May your hearts, minds, and ears be open to the voice of God speaking to you through our shepherds.

IV. Take with you this crucifix. As you make your way to the Land of the Southern Cross, may you always remember that you are pilgrims and that your journey will not be easy. Offer all your discomforts and trials as sacrifices to Our Lord who favors the poor and the humble.

V. Take with you these scallop shells. May this ancient symbol of pilgrimage remind you that you do not walk alone. Seek the intercession the saints, especially the World Youth Day patrons; ask them to be your companions on this journey. And may you always keep your eyes fixed on your true homeland that awaits you at the end of life’s pilgrimage.

VI. Take with you this flag. As soldiers of Christ, serve Him under the banner of Mary. May she, who is Queen of all Saints, enfold you in the mantel of her maternal protection.