Mission Possible

>> Thursday, July 17, 2008

Here's the talk of Archbishop Chaput that Angela, Edmund, Raj, and 997 of our Catholic siblings heard at the Theology on Taps on Wednesday night.

The Ordinary of the Archdiocese of Denver is in classic form with this very inspirational and engaging address. And I'm sure it sounded all the more better after a pint or two. :)

"God expects big things from each of you...It's your mission, as lay men and lay women, to ensure that Christ's teaching is preached and explained and defended at every level of our society...This takes real courage."

"Love the Church; love her as your mother and teacher. Help to build her up, to purify her life and work...The Church is the Bride of Christ...Where the Church is, Jesus Christ is. Until the end of the age. And we always want to be where Christ is, because there is no way home to God except through him. So love the Church. And this is crucial: Know what the Church teaches..Know what the Church teaches so you can live those teachings and share those teachings with others.

The leaders of today's secularized societies like to fancy themselves as true humanists and humanitarians. But these same societies justify killing millions of babies in the womb and dismembering embryos in the laboratory. We dispatch the handicapped and the elderly and call it 'death with dignity.' Our very language has become distorted. The family is no longer the covenant communion of man and woman that leads to new life and hence the future of society. In fact, there are so few babies being born now in developed, Western-style countries that we have to wonder whether our civilization has lost its will to survive."

If theology is on tap and Archbishop Chaput's pouring...then I'll take a boot!